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Want to have a security system installed, maintain your old systems or need advice? Fill out the no-obligation quote form below and together we can look for a suitable solution.

Why SME Secure?

Custom solution

Always a customized solution.

Expert & certified

Years of experience and well-trained mechanics.

Multiple solutions in house

For every problem we always find a suitable solution.

24/7 emergency service

Every day of the week we are here for you.

"I think it is important that every customer gets the same attention from us, after all, taking security measures is often a matter of trust. Because of our broad knowledge and experience, we are absolutely capable of advising you. Do you have any questions? Contact us, that's the first step to a pleasant cooperation."
Matthijs van der Winden

Director, SME Secure

Best advice

Need advice on the complete security of your premises?

We are at your service for all your questions and always work with you to find the best solution. Request a no-obligation quote so we can discuss your needs.